karalyn shaw

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International residencies!

Recently, I applied to 2 international artist residency programs: 1 in Norway (where my Mum’s family hails from) and 1 in Japan (where I have visited several times before) and both, where I feel a deep affinity with the countries and regions, peoples, languages and cultures).

I am thrilled to report I was successful with both applications - the first will be for 3 weeks at Atelier Austmarka, Finnskogen near the Swedish border in Norway and the second will be for 4 weeks in a Part Time job position at Tobichi Art Museum in Tatsuno Town, Nagano Prefecture, Japan.

I am very grateful to both juries for these already completely inspiring opportunities.

I will be away from 4 November through until 17 January 2024. For more regular updates, please follow my Instagram account @karalynshaw (link in menu above).