karalyn shaw

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Silvery satiny brilliance in the making ...

The process of piecing together an installation of this magnitude is quite detailed and extensive.  Here are a few key steps in the creation of the origami orb baubles.

I begin the installation by sketching each window of the salon and include the spatial dimensions.  I then cut out butcher's paper templates for each bauble: 90cm/60cm/45cm/30cm diameter sizes. I arrange the completed origami and sculptural heart pieces on each bauble and then calculate the 'drop' of each element and cut adequate fishing line to hang each piece.

Here is a close up of an origami star orb (origami stars have a pentagonal base) created by threading the completed stars onto sculptural wire and then affixing cord to hold the join. I then attach the fishing line to the top of each orb using a small jewellery clamp and pliers.

This image shows each orb element numbered and taped in situ. I then use a piece of string and a sharpie to mark the spacings of each piece. I then know I'll be able to hang the baubles on site relatively effortlessly as the spacings, drop and order of each element have all been organised!

A close-up of the numbering and spacing ... this bauble is now ready. I moved it to a flat board - ready to transport and then commenced on another!